Justice Learning Solutions consistently receives positive feedback and high ratings from our clients, as well as from their participants. Working closely with our clients has allowed us to develop superior customer service and a highly cultivated learning system.

“[The] online education courses provide our office a good and inexpensive educational tool for our pre-trial diversion program. Bilingual courses are even offered. We have found [this service] to be both very user-friendly and District Attorney office friendly. Moreover, their customer service is outstanding.”
Wilbert Pryor,
Caddo Parish Chief Deputy D.A.
More Feedback from Course Participants
“This course provided me with an ‘eye opening’ experience into the true dangers of operating a motor vehicle. I feel after reviewing all the material I am well equipped to safely be a part of the driving community. Thank you!”
“I feel as if this course has really gave me a different look at what I did and what I could have done to prevent my actions.”
“The online classes allow better absorption at ones own pace for such a lesson and punishment. I paid more attention this way than I would have in an in person class.”
“I feel like taking this course has opened my eyes to the serious nature of my actions that occurred to put me in the program. I have known forever [that] drinking and driving was not a good idea, but my biggest fears before taking this class was the consequences that could affect me on a personal level, such as getting arrested, losing money, losing my job, etc… Now I understand the seriousness of the impact that I could have on an innocent person. After taking this course and going through the program there is zero doubt that my driving habits will be much more improved not only from driving impaired, but also driving distracted, driving aggressive, and driving fatigued.”
“These courses are in my opinion more beneficial than anything else in the program. It gives a person facts and helps them to prevent future mistakes. Even at 53 I have gained a great deal of experience from these programs and have been able to inform my children with positive information as well. In my opinion these make for more long lasting changes than the punitive measures.”
“What a wonderful program. I am very blessed that this PTI program exists.”
“I liked the online course because it was easy to go at my own pace and take notes where needed.”
“This course provides a clear overview of the problem of truancy and programs that address the issues of truancy.”